ED 629
Creative Digital Writing Blog
Hicks, T. (2013), stated that in order to help our students become craft writers, we must teach them how to study craft with lenses. As cited by Hicks, T. Fletcher and Portalupi (1998) stated that "one view of craft is to see it as a tool for looking, also mentioned that students should also learn to read like a writer". This means that as a teacher we should present to our students a writing that will help them get a feel for the setting, voices, tension, inner story, or recurring details. we should present to our students writings that will help them become writer them selves, that means we should give them the lenses that will help them see the craft in what they are reading, and that will help them develop new lenses with which they will use to revisit their own writing.
A lot of time our students are unable to see this lenses even the most skilled reader among our students may not have all the lenses they need to see the way in which an author constructs a text;
even with correct lenses, students don't always look through them without prompting Hicks, T. (20013) P (12). Therefore it is our duty as educators to provide to our students the lenses and prompts they need to identify the craft in writing. However, when students recognize some of these craft elements, they will then go from something a reader has read to something a writer can write.![Image result for image of students with lenses](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTweCWsW7snltqEFh0zIGnwStJMM-B-VIPN9lBsMpAIEPmYcCZh)
Meanwhile, teaching creative writing require specific craft techniques that includes providing lenses that will help students see the craft in writing. The next techniques is to slow down the process so the students can see craft that might have been overlooked due to a number of reasons that might have cause distractions during the process. Also start small, once we have looked through the lens, and slow down to identify and explore the related elements of craft, Hicks, T. (2013), p (13) talked about Elizabeth Hale's suggestions of a third important way to teach craft; which is starting small, this applies to the craft element and the way you will approach your students with it, this include teaching specific craft for a whole-class, individual or small groups. Show students how to write one particular way of writing one step at a time.
Hicks, T. (2013). Crafting digital writing; Composing Tesxts Across Media and Genres. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. p (1_42).
Berdik, C. (2016) Can a Curious Computer Improve Student Writing? Retrieved September 20, 2016